My Fears/Phobias

I read somewhere once that what you fear is how you died in your past life. Well, in that case, I either died from a ghost, from being in the dark, or from being in deep water. My friend fears storms and has unexplained memories of a tornado that never actually happened, so maybe this theory is true.
Like many other people, I have a fear of the dark. However, it’s not the actual darkness that I’m scared of. It’s what could be in it. Since you can’t see well in the dark, you don’t know what possible threats could be hiding in it. Even though there’s nothing dangerous in my house that would be hiding in the dark, I’m still scared of it. 
Another thing I’m scared of is ghosts. One day in fifth grade, my friend was telling me ghost stories, for some unknown reason. I have no idea what it was about those stories, but from that day on, I became terrified of ghosts. Even though I was scared of the supernatural, I’d become addicted to reading ghost stories online, scaring myself on purpose. Now, I’m not as scared of ghosts as I once was. I find it silly that I had this fear for such a long time, all because someone told me ghost stories when I was a kid.
I have a weird fear of deep water. This is strange because I love going to the beach and swimming, yet I’m scared of deep water. This is mostly because I hate when I’m in the water and I put my feet down to ground myself and there’s nothing there. It’s just an uncomfortable feeling, even though I know how to swim (I was in HEAT for four years). I’m also afraid of big waves in the ocean. I wouldn’t say I have this fear because I’m scared of drowning, because though I sure wouldn’t like to drown, it’s not what comes to mind when I think of deep water.


  1. The unknown is terrifying. Also, I do agree with your point about ghosts. You made me remember when I was in kindergarten and our teacher read us a book called "Perfect Pumpkin Pie", in which a dead man haunts his wife to request a slice of pie. It was very much a fun book for children, but virtually nothing has ever stuck with me as much as that freaking pie ghost. I checked my closet every night for years waiting for a ghost to coerce me into making a perfect dessert. It's shaped who I am.

  2. The unknown is definitely terrifying. Its scary not knowing what lurks in them. I think this is why for me, I am the most scared of space & the deep ocean; they are both very mysterious things we haven't discovered much of and we don't know what waits inside of them. I remember when I was little I learned about the Bermuda Triangle & how the ocean is actually filled with black holes, and ever since then I've been scared of it.

  3. I remember my first time at the beach. There was a steep incline that I couldn't see in the shore, so I just took a step with water at hip level and then started sinking. That really freaked me out for some reason.

  4. I'm also sorta afraid of deep waters but mostly because I can't swim. Also the thing about reading ghost stories on purpose reminds me of when I read "Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark" and I would scare the living %*#@ out of myself in like 4th or 5th grade.

  5. Admitting your deepest fears on such a public forum is really inspirational to me for some reason. I'd certainly get a shiver down my spine for every word in this post. I also thoroughly enjoyed the tidbit about you reading ghost stories to scare urself on purpose. I'm getting major edgelord vibes from this lol.

  6. In a way, all of these are fears of the unknown.
    Ever since I was child I've been terrified of tornados and storms, and one day my crazy mother decided to take me to a "past life regression", where they try to bring back memories of your past lives.
    During this, I had vivid memories of a tornado. I'm not totally sure if I was making it up in my head, or if this was real, but it was super vivid! Either way, it was really weird.

  7. I sometimes involuntarily combine my fear of the dark with my fear of spiders. And when you mix in some Peter Jackson, you get giant spiders waiting to snatch you in the dark. Usually they chase after you as you flee from the darkness of the room. Although, now I imagine that out of amusement when I turn off the lights leaving a room.

  8. I have to say I had 2 out of the three phobias you wrote about. I used to be deathly afraid of the dark. I was about 7 and feared that if the lights were out the ghosts would easily be able to get me because I couldn't see them. Its cool having someone to relate these fears with.


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