
Showing posts from November, 2019

Songs I'd Want to Hear for the First Time Again

The best part of listening to a really good song is hearing it for the very first time. I’ll hear a song, then I’ll eventually forget what it sounds like, so then I’ll get excited to hear it again. Then I’ll play it again and again until I get tired of it and find new music, and I think about how amazing it sounded when I first heard it. There is literally no way for me to decide on one single song that I would want to hear for the first time again, so I’ll write about multiple songs. When I was younger (well this was just a couple years ago), my favorite song was "Starboy" by The Weeknd. That was the only song I listened to back then. Before I discovered Spotify, I used to buy music on iTunes, and "Starboy" was the first song I bought. That song (and Party Monster) was what introduced me to The Weeknd and got me into music. Another, more recent, song I’d love to hear for the first time again is “Drift” by Choker. I just discovered this artist; Sp

"Amaizing" Illinois

If I were to describe Central Illinois in one word, it would be: flat. It’s pretty boring in terms of geography, and it contains mostly small towns. There are fields everywhere; when I’m in the car I almost always see vast expanses of corn or soybeans flying by my window. However, that doesn’t mean everyone who lives in Central Illinois is a farmer. I am most definitely not a farmer. It also doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do.  The area’s climate is interesting. In the summer, it can get pretty hot and humid, but if you prefer warmer temperatures, like me, it’s fine. The winter, though, is where the weather gets really weird. Here in Champaign, it started snowing on Halloween. That wasn’t very good for the trick-or-treaters -- though I still had a couple of determined trick-or-treaters come to my house. Last winter was really, really cold. The thing about winter here is that it is both cold and windy. This makes walking to Kenney Gym a real issue -- you have to trek through the