Songs I'd Want to Hear for the First Time Again

The best part of listening to a really good song is hearing it for the very first time. I’ll hear a song, then I’ll eventually forget what it sounds like, so then I’ll get excited to hear it again. Then I’ll play it again and again until I get tired of it and find new music, and I think about how amazing it sounded when I first heard it. There is literally no way for me to decide on one single song that I would want to hear for the first time again, so I’ll write about multiple songs.
When I was younger (well this was just a couple years ago), my favorite song was "Starboy" by The Weeknd. That was the only song I listened to back then. Before I discovered Spotify, I used to buy music on iTunes, and "Starboy" was the first song I bought. That song (and Party Monster) was what introduced me to The Weeknd and got me into music.
Another, more recent, song I’d love to hear for the first time again is “Drift” by Choker. I just discovered this artist; Spotify recommended one of his songs to me, and I liked it so I checked the rest of his music. The first time I heard “Drift”, though, was in Creative Writing when I was listening to music on an in-class writing day. I had to stop writing just to listen to the song; it was that good. When it finished, I played it on repeat. Choker’s music gives me Frank Ocean vibes, and since it’s been three years since his last album, it’s great to have similar music to listen to.
This post wouldn’t be complete without a song by Travis Scott. There are lots of songs by him that I’d love to listen to for the first time again: 3500, Hell of a Night, Apple Pie, Houstonfornication, Can’t Say, Drugs you Should Try It, and sdp interlude, to name a few. When I first listened to many of these songs, I wasn't doing anything interesting; I was just sitting somewhere, studying or something. Then the song would come on and I'd stop studying. No wonder I got so many 3s on history quizzes.


  1. Spotify is god tier. I don't know how they manage to make the discover weekly playlists so accurate as to what we'd enjoy, but they are, and I'm listening to new bops regularly. We truly do live in the golden age of technology.

  2. I agree that almost every song is the best when you hear it for the first time. It's weird to think about how much of our culture surrounds music. I think we are always looking for something new, so when we find something new in a song that we've never heard before, it is the best the first time we listen to it.

  3. I swear on everything that my high school nights driving around with my friends would not be complete without playing an old Travis song on the aux. Hell of a Night, Drugs You Should Try It, and Apple Pie go crazy. I wish I could hear them all over again too.

  4. It's interesting, because sometimes when I hear a song for the first time I don't really like it, but after hearing it a few times I love it. For other songs, the first time is the best, and then I'm basically addicted to that song for a couple weeks until I can't stand hearing it anymore. Anyways, i'm so grateful technology. Like imagine if we still had to buy music on a CD?

  5. I do the same thing lol. I have a Spotify playlist full of songs that I listened to for a straight week on repeat, then got tired of. The best is when you hear an inherently good song for the first time while having some strong emotional experience or thinking of a specific person. Then the song is permanently associated with that experience/person. It's p crazy how a series of noises can affect humans so strongly.

  6. Spotify is just so versatile, I love it so much. I can't even imagine the struggles that my parents and their ancestors had to go through to listen to music. No matter what I'm doing, whether it be working out, studying, or chilling, I absolutely NEED to be listening to music. I genuinely can't believe that some people find it distracting.


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